EP 14: How To Fix Miami's Flooding Issues : Founder, Renuable, Xavier DeRoos


Show Notes

This Entrepreneur Knows How To Fix Miami's Flooding Issues | NEVER SETTLE Ep 14

How can we heal the world's soil, water, and air? With sustainability and action. Learn how Xavier DeRoos, an environmental entrepreneur, turned trash into valuable resources to protect and provide for our planet, starting in his own neighborhood Miami. Potentially holding the answer to Miami's long-standing flooding issue.

Find out more about Composting and Renuable:

Xavier DeRoos is an environmental entrepreneur living in South Florida who is working to reduce the region's impact on our environment through waste diversion & community composting.

His company, Renuable, started the Community Compost Program which recycles food scraps and other organic materials in order to reduce greenhouse gases, engage with a diverse community & repair our local food system. He aims to maximize local resource management and minimize waste.

More Resources:
https://newrivergardens.com/ (Permaculture)

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About the Host: 

Sara Quiriconi is an actress, artist, entrepreneur and creative storyteller, inspired and driven to empower others to be resilient, never settle, live well and live free. 


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