
Chronological List

Sunday, July 24, 2022 EP 42: A Filmmaker's Guide To Screen Tourism

A Filmmaker's Guide To Screen Tourism, with Delegate CANACINE for Quintana Roo, David Zannoni—[AD] Listen to past income reports on Cubicle to CE...

Thursday, July 21, 2022 EP 41: Burnout Culture Is REAL — So, How Can We Prevent It?

Burnout Culture Is REAL — So, How Can We Recognize and Prevent It?—Burnout is a real, especially today where the lines between home and work have blur...

Sunday, July 17, 2022 EP 40: Are You Being Authentic? Ask Yourself The Following Questions

Are You Being Authentic? Ask Yourself The Following Questions, with Stratosphere41 Founder, Lauran Grant—What is authenticity, and how do you know whe...

Thursday, July 14, 2022 EP 39: How The American Dream Led Me To My First Divorce

How The American Dream Led Me To My First Divorce—A personal share, what was I really chasing in the search for sourcing life happiness?  When we get ...

Thursday, July 7, 2022 EP 38: Feeling Manipulated? Anonymous Insights on Banking And Financial Systems

What's Really Going On In the Banking System, with Anonymous Guest Banking Industry Veteran —Have you ever been confused or feel manipulated by t...

Thursday, June 30, 2022 EP 37: Finance And Investing Basics To Get Your Started

Finance And Investing Basics To Get Your Started, with M1 Finance VP of Operations, Hanane Bouchareb—Why is anything related to personal finance compl...

Thursday, June 23, 2022 EP 36: What's Broken In Post-Cancer Care Treatment And How We Can Fix It

This Cancer Survivor Story Will Bring You To Tears (and Joy), with Complex President and Creatures Co-Founder, Tara Elmore—Do Doctors Always Know Best...

Thursday, June 16, 2022 EP 35: The Masculine Feminine Shift, Should Women Minimize? Dating Advice Inside!

The Masculine Feminine Shift, Should Women Minimize, with Trauma Therapist & Coach, Co-Author "Blueprint to Divorce" Colleen Nelson—The ...

Thursday, June 9, 2022 EP 34: The Business & Benefits Side of Caring For Your Breasts

The Business & Benefits Side of Caring For Your Breasts, with Complex Creatures Co-Founder and CEO, Lisa Lundy—Let's talk about breasts — in ...

Thursday, June 2, 2022 EP 33: The Real Reason Your Wellness Habits Aren't Working

The Real Reason Your Wellness Habits Aren't Working — guest, International Fashion Model Turned Yoga & Ayurveda Therapist, Yogi Cameron—How d...


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