Show Notes

Do You Have THIS Thinking Problem? And, how to overcome thinking and over-thinking with Emotional Freedom Coach, Robert Peterson

Never Settle Challenge:

We overthink, but where is that stemming from? In this podcast episode, we're getting into mental freedom mindset and strategies to set that over-toasted thinker to rest and allow you to live and be freer on a day to day operational life while attracting greater energies and succeses. 

Robert's Mission:

Robert Peterson is the co-founder of Add Value 2 Life Coaching and author of Entrepreneur Mindset $hift. Robert helps entrepreneurs own their $hit to take responsibility for what they want and take the steps necessary to reach their dreams.



About the Host:

Sara Quiriconi is an actress, artist, entrepreneur and creative storyteller, inspired and driven to empower others to be resilient, never settle, live well and live free.

Coaching: Warrior Mindset One-On-OnePodcast: Subscribe NEVER SETTLE Web: Instagram: @livefreewarrior YouTube : Live Free Warrior 

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