Back from my recent adventures exploring, filming and traveling through 10 days of Spain! Sharing with you a morning of Madrid ...
Hey guys! Check out my first "Day in the Life" VLOG sharing some of the behind the scenes to what I do in a regular day when I'm ...
How to Avoid Getting Sick When Traveling - Mini Wellness First Aid Kit Tips from a Travel and Wellness Expert. There's nothing ...
Hey wellness warriors! Check out what my top recommended non-dairy yogurt alternative is in this video. Dairy-free is great, ...
Hey wellness warriors! Many of you ask about my diet, what I eat, and what I choose not to eat. In this video, I'm sharing what ...
Hey Wellness Warriors! We all know wellness extends in to our lifestyle habits, and in this video, I'm sharing a 10-minute Office ...
Core, core and more core! Having a strong mid-section isn't just for looks, it's for health! A strong belly can protect your spine, offer ...
Too many hours sitting behind a desk or in a chair? This sequence is a great daily habit to pick up to unwind after a long day of ...
What does it mean to choose strength? To find courage to choose a new path? To fight, strive and work towards a better life that ...
What happens when you put a group of incredible, unique individuals in one fully-equipped house for 6 days sharing a kitchen, ...
WELLNESS PASSPORT // Travel + Wellness TV Show Reel (2017) Wellness is a journey, never a single destination. Journeying ...
Five of my favorite exercises to do using a Stability Ball to strengthen your core and back muscles. Sizing can be tricky with these ...
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