Tuesday, September 14, 2021 EP 08: Former Fortune 500 HR Executive Coach Redefines Beauty in Travel, 35Thousand Founder, Misty Reich

Former Fortune 500 HR Executive Coach Redefines Beauty in Travel | Interview with 35 THOUSAND on NEVER SETTLE Podcast—Having traveled to over 124 Coun...

Tuesday, August 31, 2021 EP 07: Ghost: Why Perfect Women Shrink" Author Interview : Iona Holloway

EP 07: Ghost: Why Perfect Women Shrink” Author Interview : Iona Holloway—A true warrior spirit, Iona Holloway is best-selling published author, leadin...

Sunday, August 8, 2021 EP 06: Serial Entrepreneur Gives Fiber A Facelift : Featured Guest, Jessica Postiglione BONNY

EP 06: Serial Entrepreneur Gives Fiber A Facelift : Featured Guest, Jessica Postiglione BONNY—Who ever said fiber supplements had to be boring has def...

Monday, July 12, 2021 EP 05: Farmer Turned Entrepreneur Journey In CBD Skincare | Michael Bumgarner CANNUKA

Farmer Turned Entrepreneur Journey In CBD Skincare | Interview with CANNUKA on NEVER SETTLE Podcast—Sitting down with Cannuka Skincare co-founder, Mic...

Monday, June 28, 2021 EP 04: Putting the CLEAN In Cleaning Your Home : Kelly Love from Branch Basics

Putting the CLEAN In Cleaning Your Home | Interview with Branch Basics on NEVER SETTLE Podcast— Sitting down with Branch Basics co-founder, Kelly Love...

Monday, May 24, 2021 EP 03: Healthy Resilience As An Actress & Magazine CEO : Holly Glasser

Interview with Holly Glasser, the CEO and Editor-in-Chief of MITH Magazine based out of LA and NYC. Holly is a petite model, actress and singer. MITH ...

Wednesday, May 12, 2021 EP 02: Launching a Web Design Business In Italy : Stephanie LaTorre

In this interview with web design business entrepreneur, Stephanie LaTorre, we're exploring her path to successes. Highlights include:- Quitting ...

Friday, April 16, 2021 EP 01: How To Be Unapologetically Your Authentic Self : Ava Johanna

In this interview with embodied entrepreneur, Ava Johanna, breaking down:- Why So Many Aren't Reaching Their Desired Levels of Success in Entrepr...

About The Show

Ever find yourself asking the question, "Yeah, but WHY?" I've always been a "Why" kid. Now, being an adult, it's time to ask those questions to the authorities.

NEVER SETTLE is a weekly podcast dedicated to those looking to level up their health, wellth and personal growth standards. We're interviewing founders, creators, free thinkers and entrepreneurs who think differently, question authority and challenge the status quo. Get ready to be inspired, empowered and ready to thrive from the information and perspectives shared here on the NEVER SETTLE PODCAST.

Hosted by SARA QUIRICONI, @livefreewarrior, actress, writer, producer, host, artist and entrepreneur. Get ready to feel motivated, empowered and ready to thrive in life by YOUR terms. 

Website: saraquiriconi.com
Instagram: @livefreewarrior
YouTube: @livefreewarrior
Speaking: TV and Event

“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” ― Rob Siltanen

A bit more on the NEVER SETTLE PODCAST thinking:

Think back to the last time you filled one of those satisfaction surveys titled, “How would you rate your experience?” The bubbles, or online form, offer the suggestions: Excellent. Good. Satisfactory. Fair. Poor.

You select satisfactory. The experience wasn’t mind-blowing, but it also wasn’t a disaster. It was average. It was mediocre. It was what you expected. Good enough.

How many of your life decisions or actions fall into this category? Good enough?

The jobs I left, the marriage I opted out of, the apartments I was living in, and even today, the jobs I’m selecting: many people’s first question to me was, “Why? Why leave? It’s good, no?” 

Good enough? That doesn’t cut it for me. If I feel stuck, stagnant, like I know I am capable of more or something or someone is a better fit for my own personal growth, to aim higher, or will take a bit of work to do something that’s a better fit for me, I won’t settle (for less).

Life is way too short to make choices that are enough or satisfactory in my book. Good stuff takes time and effort, and that’s where the warrior kicks in.

— (Excerpt From "Living Cancer Free")


Hosted by the @livefreewarrior herself, SARA QUIRICONI, get ready to feel motivated, empowered and ready to thrive in life by YOUR terms.

Website: saraquiriconi.com
Instagram: @livefreewarrior
YouTube: @livefreewarrior
Speaking: TV and Event


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